Public buildings - potsdam 2013
New synagogue Potsdam
In the dispute over the construction of the new synagogue in Potsdam, which has been going on for years, the Synagogue Support Association is pressing for a new beginning. In the past, various critics of the Haberland design had criticised, among other things, the simple façade, which did not show that the building was a synagogue. SAF was commissioned to create an alternative facade design for the new synagogue to start a new public dialogue. The result is the design of a synagogue which translates the generally understandable elements of sacredness into a modern and contemporary architecture. The rhythmic façade with seven windows of narrow round arches aligns itself with a movement towards Jerusalem and also fits into the baroque old town of Potsdam.
Sacred building
Studio Alexander Fehre
Alexander Fehre
Synagogue Support Association Potsdam e.V.